New chicks on the block!
Pupils at Highgate Hill House School, an independent co-educational school for children aged 5 to 16 years with special educational needs, were delighted to welcome the first animals to take residence in their new custom-built enclosure in the school grounds.
Five three week old chicks, were kindly donated by current pupil Millie’s aunty, Karen Moore, who will be cared for by students and staff alike.
The children have been working on the custom-built enclosure over the last few months with Practical Skills Instructor Ollie Norton, creating an area which will house the chicks when they are old enough to live outside, plus a separate area for rabbits and guinea pigs which will follow shortly.
Head-teacher, Vicky Skelton, said: “I’m not sure who was more excited by the chicks’ arrival, the pupils or the staff! The children will work together on a daily rota to ensure that the chicks are cleaned out, fed and watered, so it’s a great way to learn about taking responsibility and the joy that caring for animals can bring. We’re looking forward to some delicious eggs too which the children will be able to enjoy at lunchtimes”.
School Founder and Director, Sir Peter Birkett, added: “It is kind contributions like this that are making Highgate a very special place for our children to learn and develop. I would also like to thank “Stay Put Fencing” in Whitstone who supplied the fencing equipment for the animal enclosure at a highly competitive rate. The children have created a lovely outdoor space for the chickens to be able to enjoy for many years to come”.
For more information about Highgate Hill House School, please visit, email or call 01288 341998.