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Chickens living the high-life thanks to Mole Valley Farmers

Chicken ark

Mole Valley Farmers in Holsworthy have kindly agreed to supply Highgate Hill House School, an independent, co-educational school for children with special educational needs aged 5 to 16 at Whitstone, with a top-of-the-range ‘raised ark’ chicken run to house their new chicks, at a greatly reduced price.

The school recently took on five three week old chicks, who were kindly donated to the school by a pupil’s aunt. Now that the chicks are six weeks old, they are preparing to live outside in the specially-built animal enclosure in the school grounds.

Jamie Wright, Assistant Business Centre Manager based at the Holsworthy store, said: “When we heard that the school had recently taken in five new chicks, we were delighted to provide the timber run at cost price. As a regular customer of ours, it’s nice for us to be able to give something back to the school – particularly when it’s something that the children will get so much enjoyment from”.

Head Teacher, Vicky Skelton, said: “The ark arrived flat-packed, so it was a great project for the children to help build. The chicks are really enjoying being outside in their new luxury house. We’ve nicknamed it the ‘poultry palace!”

School founder and Director, Sir Peter Birkett, added: “Thank you to Mole Valley Farmers for their support - working with businesses like this not only helps us to grow and develop as a school, but also enriches the lives of our children. We’re so lucky as a school to have such extensive grounds, and be able to offer experiences like this to our pupils”.

For more information about Highgate Hill House School, please visit, email or call 01288 341998.

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