A parent's view of 'lockdown'
I’m not going to lie Social Isolation isn’t new for us – but that doesn’t make it any easier that’s for sure. We have a very small, but amazing circle of family, friends and personal assistants locally. Our son doesn’t have friendships in the traditional sense. His ‘people’ are the amazing staff and students at Highgate Hill House School and his PA’s. Are we feeling the stress, anxiety and fear with the rest of the country? Yes…but families with children with SEND I’m sure are feeling this tenfold.
For us we have worked so hard on our son’s socialisation, communication and interactions both at school and within the community and now it feels like this is all unravelling.
At home we are having to integrate learning through play and sensory activities. ‘School is School’ and ‘Home is Home’ and trying to mix the two is muddying the waters for our son. The team at school are in daily contact and we are receiving regular video calls. He is always very happy to see them and is engaging in his own way.
Balancing working from home, keeping everyone fed and watered and managing the financial difficulties this time is throwing up, is keep us on our toes. But our son is in the most part is happy – except when he loses his mind because he can’t go where he wants to. We are taking each day as it comes, with a very loose routine – all depends on how well he has slept and what mood he wakes up in!
Remember we are all doing our best, and soon the new normal will take shape. Our children will surprise us I’m sure with how they will adapt to this.