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Celebrating achievements, not just qualifications

Highgate Hill House School, a co-educational school for children with special educational needs aged 5 to 16 years, near Holsworthy, is celebrating the approval of a new AQA unit award scheme which allows pupils to record and celebrate their achievements.

AQA is an awarding body in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, formerly known as the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance. The AQA unit award scheme is universally recognised, and celebrates achievements for people of all ages. It is flexible and suitable for classroom and home learners as well as offsite activities.

The unit award scheme can help learners to progress onto further study, training, employment, independent living and more active involvement in society. It’s also shown to motivate, encourage, engage, support and raise self-esteem, by rewarding achievements which may otherwise go unrecognised.

Headteacher Gina Wagland, said: “This new scheme will benefit our pupils as they can choose from thousands of units which suit their individual interests, at all levels from pre-entry level upwards to beyond level 2 GCSE. When they complete a unit, there are no time limits so they can be motivated to gain certificates all year round. The units cover life skills, practical skills and academic skills so are extremely good for showcasing what our children can do”.

Sir Peter Birkett, School Founder, added: “This new AQA programme will enable our children to learn new skills and receive a nationally recognised award. On successful completion, pupils will receive a certificate presented at a special ceremony - this will be a great way to boost self-esteem and confidence. Each child will have their own certificate folder so creating their personalised portfolio of achievement”.

For more information about Highgate Hill House School, please visit, email or call 01288 341998.


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