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Helping our SEN children to achieve more

In 2003 the government published a Green Paper called ‘Every Child Matters’, which identified the five outcomes which are most important to children and young people, whatever their background or circumstances. They are:

· Be healthy

· Stay safe

· Enjoy and achieve

· Make a positive contribution

· Achieve economic well-being

Below we have outlined the ways in which we, as a school, ensure these five outcomes are at the forefront of everything that we do.

Be healthy

Our pupils enjoy a nutritious, home-cooked lunch every day, and learn how to prepare healthy, balanced meals. They have the opportunity to enjoy a range of physical activities, including PE, outdoor education and school trips. Throughout PSHE sessions, children develop skills and strategies to develop their emotional confidence and social competence, plus care for themselves on a personal level.

Stay safe

Our school is a nurturing, stable environment, where all of our children feel cared for. All staff receive regular training, and we have robust anti-bullying, health & safety, safeguarding & child protection policies in place. We have a high staff to pupil ratio to ensure that pupils are constantly supported, and peer relationships can be supported and managed.

Enjoy and achieve

We believe that ‘learning should be fun’, and that every pupil should be ‘happy and successful in life’. Our approach is highly personalised to each individual and their specific needs, and includes the right balance of therapy to ensure that every child can access learning. We use a range of engaging, stimulating teaching and learning styles both in and out of the classroom, to encourage a positive attitude towards learning.

Make a positive contribution

Our positive behaviour policy is supported by all staff, and is the foundation of everything that we do at HHHS to promote an atmosphere of respect and consideration. We promote and reward positive behaviour, and have an established praise and reward system. We lay a greater emphasis on sanctions and rewards than on sanctions and overt control, and believe that giving positive feedback is an important element in creating a positive climate.

Achieve economic well-being

To prepare our pupils for adulthood and employment, we encourage our children to be aware of their responsibilities as an adult through a strong programme of life skills and hands-on experiences outside of school.


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