Our Personalised Approach
At Highgate Hill House School, we know that all pupils learn in different ways and that is why we create programmes of learning that are designed purely to meet individual pupil needs. The start of this process is when you visit the school for the first time where you will be given a personalised tour - this not only enables you to see first-hand the school in operation, you will also have a scheduled one to one with the head teacher to discuss your child’s needs and whether Highgate Hill House School is equipped to meet these.
Personalised school tours will be throughout the school year on request.
Pupils at Highgate Hill House School are typically:
• Aged 5 to 16 years
• In receipt of an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or are under assessment
• Struggling in a mainstream school setting or have been out of school for some time
If after reading the above you would like to find out more about Highgate Hill House School or arrange a visit, please call 01288 341998 or email headteacher@hhhschool.co.uk.