Preparation for life beyond school
Moving from childhood to adulthood can be a stressful time for young people and their parents, perhaps even more so if your child has additional needs.
Our mission as a school is ‘to provide innovative, personalised and exciting learning opportunities that ensure our students are happy and successful in life’. Of course this extends far beyond school life, into adulthood and beyond.
From year 9 onwards, the annual EHCP review meetings that we hold include a focus on how we can prepare each child appropriately for adulthood. There are four main areas that we focus on to prepare our young people:
Future education, employment or training
Parents and carers will often start these conversations at home, trying to determine whether there is a particular interest or aspiration that their child would like to follow. As a school, we will work closely with parents throughout their child’s school journey, to ensure that they have a thorough understanding of what their options for the future are, and what they need to achieve in order to get there. In addition to visits to suitable post-16 establishments, our young people have the opportunity to try work experience in a variety of different roles as part of their BTEC studies. We also work closely with CSW (formerly Careers South West), who will visit pupils (and parents) to discuss the options available to pupils at specific times during their studies.
Friends, relationships and community
Creating positive relationships both inside and outside of school is a major part of growing up. This can include understanding what’s appropriate in certain types of relationships, knowing how to stay safe online, learning how to develop and maintain friendships, but most importantly feeling safe and confident in your local community.
Independent living
Here we cover self care, understanding money, cooking, shopping, learning to make important life choices, communication skills and travel planning.
Good health
This includes encouraging children to make healthy food choices, ensuring they get regular exercise but also the importance of seeking medical or professional help when they need it.